BL654 Series BT 5.0 Class 1
Bluetooth v5 + 802.15.4 + NFC Module and Adapter
Building on Laird’s expertise with Nordic from the BL600 and BL652 series comes the most powerful yet -the BL654 series! It provides OEMs with the maximum design flexibility and performance. A complete multi-protocol embedded wireless offering with exceptional processing capability, all at a micro power budget. Powered by Nordic’s nRF52840 silicon, the small form factor BL654 modules, DVKs and USB Dongle provide for a secure, robust BLE and Cortex -M4F CPU for any OEM’s product design. The BL654 provides you with maximum development flexibility with programming options for the Nordic SDK, a simple, intuitive AT Command Set, as well as Laird’s own smartBASIC environment.
The BL654 series brings out all nRF52840 hardware features and capabilities including USB access, up to 5.5V supply considerations, and 802.15.4 (Thread) implementation. Complete regulatory certifications enable faster time to market and reduced development risk completes Laird’s simplification of your next Bluetooth design!